Beth Ellenby - Online Memorial Website

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Beth Ellenby
Born in United States
44 years
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Driggs Lubambo

     So many years ago, when Beth was a student at Thunderbird, our family was fortunate to meet her and start a friendship that spanned decades.  In 1995, after a few years of losing touch, Romero and I were so happy to meet up with her in Toronto.  Then, several years later, Beth was living in Connecticut with Jayde and Michael and we (now in New Jersey) were able to get together with them at Romero's concerts in New York, Old Lyme, etc.  And then we found out they would move to Arizona!  Our whole family was soooo happy to have them settle in just a few miles from Debbie and Charles' house.

     Since then, our Arizona family Christmas has been greatly enhanced by their

presence.  Beth was always a crucial anchor for the joyful Christmas sing-a-longs.  Always up for any song, smiling, patient, enthusiastic, energetic, and really supportive.  That's how Beth was in every situation, actually.

     Michael, Beth and Jayde have opened their home to our family for so many wonderful occasions where we just celebrated being together (as well as their incredible talents in the kitchen and sommelier department). 

     The Ellenby family really knows how to enjoy life!  Beth was a champion at making the most of life's moments and sharing that joy with Jayde, Michael, and everyone she came in contact with.  We will keep her in our hearts always. 

Andjelka and Andrej

If there are words to portray Beth, to describe our unfortunately short encounter, and the way we will always remember her, then those are the metaphors of Juan Ramon Jimenez, in his poem "Fortunate Creature":


Fortunate Creature

YOU go singing and laughing through the water, you go whistling and laughing through the air in a circle of blue and gold, of silver and green, happy to pass and repass among the red first budding of April, a separate form with momentary similarities in light, life, and colour to ourselves, your fiery shores!

How happy you are, being, with what an eternal and universal happiness! Gaily you break the waves of the air, you row against the undulations of the water. Do you not have to eat or sleep? Is all the Spring your home? Is all the green, all the blue, all the blossoming yours? There is no fear mingled with your splendour; your fate is to return, to return, to return in a silver and green, a blue and gold circle for an eternity of eternities!

You give us your hand in a moment of possible closeness, of sudden love, of radiant yielding, and at your glowing touch, with a mad tremor in body and soul, we burn with music and when we are renewed we forget it; for a moment, in our happiness, we shine like gold. It seems for a moment that we too are going to be, like you, eternal, that we are going to fly from sea to mountain, that we are going to jump from heaven to the sea, that we are going to return, return, return, for an eternity of eternities. And we sing, we laugh in the air, we laugh and whistle in the water!

But you do not have to forget, you are a perpetual and accidental presence, you are the fortunate creature, the unique and magic being, the never dark, beloved for your warmth and grace, the free, the intoxicating thief, who in a blue and gold, a silver and green circle, go laughing, whistling through the air, go singing, laughing through the water!

Karen Fabiano
The party that Beth and Michael gave for me and Karmella after my husband's passing last year gave us a chance to re-connect with our Arizona friends, to feel surrounded by love, to know that we could count on Beth and others if we needed to.  Beth and Michael surrounded us with love that day.  My favorite memory of Beth is of the day she was making costumes for the wizard of oz production.  There was fake fur all over the family room, from which Toto and Lion emerged to entertain the DGM crowd with the rest of Oz-landers. 
My grief for Bob is still fresh; I grieve for Michael and Jayde, knowing their loss. 
For Beth, my gift will be to pass on her gifts of love, gentleness, and quiet confidence to those I meet, to try to live life fully and love my daughter, family, and friends richly and generously, and to care for this generation and future ones by caring for our island home, Earth.  Peace be yours, Beth.  My love to Michael and Jayde. 

  I thought I had finally gathered my thoughts and courage enough to write this. But as I read through this site for the first time, and read all the moving entries, I fell to pieces. I write this now, a blithering mess. Beth would be proud of me though, (and isn't it funny how wonderful her approval felt?) as I am using a kitchen towel to wipe all my tears instead of tissues!

My family is in a unique position to understand what the Ellenby family is going through. You see, I lost my mother to leukemia when I was Jaydes' age. My wifes father was killed when she was Jaydes' age as well. So we both know what Jayde is going through. We will always strive to be the friends to her that her mother was to us.

  Some of you may remember that not long ago, my wife, (Jenny) lived through a life threatening illness by some miracle of God. Her doctors were stunned, as they had never seen anyone that sick survive. But I remember feeling the most profound sadness a father can ever feel, (and pray that none of you ever know) of wondering how to tell my little girl that her mommy isn't coming home. Because of that, I will live each day,(as would be Beth's wish for me, and is my wish for you) celebrating how lucky I am to have the love of my family. I will also always love Mike Ellenby as my own brother.

  During my wife's near-death experience, she briefly visited the place where dear Beth now resides. I hope it will comfort you to know that it is the most beautiful place you could imagine, and that the words "peaceful" and "blissful" can't even begin to describe. Who could possibly belong there more than Beth? And while she was here; didn't she bring that place with her everywhere she went? Anyone who doesn't believe in angels, obviously never met Beth Ellenby!

  As saddened as I am at her passing, that sadness is overcome by how happy I am to have known her. I will always be deeply honored that Jenny and I had the priveledge of having Jayde, (who is the most precious gift to us all, born of Mike and Beth's love) entrusted to us at Seaworld the weekend of Beth's passing. Jenny and I had to keep it together for the kids, knowing what they faced when we got home. Jaydie-bug and I really bonded that weekend, and it made me so happy. I was comforted to think that we were all having so much fun together and enjoying the wonder of the earths creatures. I knew that that would make Beth happy. As we waited in line for the roller coaster, (again!) and Jaydie-bug was hanging on me, I felt such joy. Here was the biggest piece of Beth's love left to us, and all I ever have to do to see it again is look into this beautiful child's face. We are all so lucky that Beth was able to spend so much time with Jayde. She is so brilliant, beautiful, and loving, just like her Mom.

   I can't help thinking how lucky I am to have met Beth. She had as profound an influence on my life, and my family as anyone ever has. I feel so lucky and honored that she had so much influence on my daughter,(Jasmine). When we are shopping,(for organic food of course, thanks Beth) Jasmine will bring me a treat that she wants and say, "May I have this Daddy? Blonde Mommy let's Jayde eat it!" Since Beth's passing, Jazzy has been sleeping in our room and doesn't like being seperated from us for very long. When I broke the news to her, she was very angry. The other night at bedtime she asked, " Daddy, when you were little and your Mom died; How long did it take for your heart to stop hurting?" She misses her "Blonde Mommy" very much, and will always be a better person for having known her.

  I am also so happy that the last time I saw Beth, (a few days before she passed) I told her how I felt about her. We didn't know that she was terminal then, and had every faith that she would recover soon. As my wife rubbed her feet, I told her that she was one of the most powerful people I have ever met, and how much I strived to be like her. I told her how I marveled at her ability to have such influence without ever being forceful. I told her how when you meet her, she actually, truly listens! Then, she would key in on something you had discussed and leave a helpful article for you, or e-mail a link that was helpful in some way. And before you knew it, she was in your heart and you wanted to be like her. When we left, I kissed her on the head and told her "I love you so much". Without knowing it would be the last time I saw her, I told her everything I would have told her had I known. Don't ever hesitate to tell people how much they mean to you, and how you feel about them. You never know.

  We introduced Beth and Mike to two of our closest friends,(Peter and Sandra)exactly one year to the day before Beth's passing. During that time, Beth and Sandra became very close. Sandra was with Beth in the hospital the day before she passed. She called me the next week to share her experience with me. As we cried and grieved I told her that I think that Beth's spirit is,(obviously) extemely advanced. And in a time like now when this planet teeters between astounding, wondorous accomplishments, and terrible, unimaginable distruction; It's hard to imagine her being needed for any greater mission than the one she was performing on earth. But maybe her immense love and strength could do more good in the spiritual world than this one. Beth told me that she believed there was a mass exodus taking place in the world currently because something big was happening. It is my sincere belief that the angels needed help and called in the big guns! I believe she sacrificed her time with us here in order to serve us all on a higher level.

  So out of all the people in this world; What are the odds that we would be lucky enough to have been touched by Beth Ellenby? How special and privelidged I feel. We all loved Beth because she saw only the best in us, and the best we could be. She then reflected that back for us to see. She made us feel, (and showed us) that anything is possible. If things ever seem bad, and you think,"I'm just one person, what difference can I possibly make?" Visit this site and read about the impact Beth had on people all over this world. Then remember, Beth Ellenby loved you, and believed in you. She was so powerful because her intentions were always pure. Nothing Beth ever did came from pride or ego. If all of us can remember that, and operate from that same place, then we will see her vision come true in our lifetime. She has showed us the way, now her mission is left to us. Her legacy is up to you.

  Love each other. Love the earth.



Dale Steinmann

I was lucky enough to become friends with Beth at IIST, the Japanese graduate school.  I actually shared a suite with MIke Wolff and ROb McCrossen.  We four shared a LOT OF SAKE!  I will always remember a Japanese home visit, sitting on the floor with loads of sushi in front of us, Beth leading the way speaking with the hosts because her Japanese was best among the students. 


Picture this beautiful 5'9" blond speaking Japanese, but all the while playing the demure Japanese co-ed, hand in front of her mouth, eyes averted.


I will miss Beth.



I am truly one of the most fortunate people because I actually had the pleasure to be a part of Beth, Michael and beautiful little Jayde's family for 6 months, in which I got to share everyday life, love and laughter with them.
All this time it never ceased to amaze me with how much tenderness, love and apprechiation they always treated each other, and me.
It's like Michael said. If you were in a bad mood Beth would just say a word and you couldn't help but feel fine.
Beth was amazing, and so is Michael, and Jayde, but as a family Michael, Beth and Jayde have had such a big impact on me, they have helped shape the person that I am today in the best sense, and I am so grateful that they are such an important part of my life.
Beth and Michael and Jayde, you will always be in my heart.
Sheila Karnath

Beth was a mentor to me in many ways.  I attended a series of coaching workshops in NYC that she led, and after the sessions I would drive us back to CT.  Before we left the city, we always went to pick up some madeleine cookies she would share with Jayde.  Every excursion with Beth became a real adventure.  She lit up NYC with her vibrancy and energy.


One of my favorite memories was when I received Beth’s response to my wedding invitation, and the Ellenby family would be able to attend.  I was so honored to have Beth, Michael and Jayde at the wedding.  I will always treasure the memories of laughing and dancing with her!

Rob & Lorraine McCrossan
I met Beth in Tokyo, in the depth of a January night, at a bus terminal. We were all waiting for a bus to take us to the International Institute for Studies and Training for our Japanese business boot camp. I was a very green kid from Canada who hardly ever had been away from home, who didn't know a word of Japanese and who was desperately concerned about getting on the right bus and not being stranded in Tokyo, in the depth of a January night, not knowing a word of Japanese. Beth, fluent in Japanese, having traveled and lived abroad, was slightly less anxious about our "predicament" and was more interested in finding out about this group of Canadians. She floated over from her group and within minutes had absorbed all of us into her AGSIM/Thunderbird group and made me feel like I was going to survive the night and make to my destination. I think I have looked up to her ever since for her grace, charm, wit and warmth - and for saving my life that night in Tokyo. We became good friends over the ensuing years and she was a bridesmaid to my wife Lorraine at our wedding in 1991, the anniversary of which, by some circular, bittersweet coincidence, is on June 1st, the same day that we will gather to lay Beth to rest. Like very few people I have known, Beth lived her life fully engaged. She made an impact on those she met, explored her environment and the world, and absorbed different cultures, languages and philosophies. She embraced people, food, music and the arts. Ultimately, it appears her work led her to help others realize their potential, including a focus on working with women to help them become more successful, This seems like fitting work for Beth. She always had a commanding presence, in my opinion. Beautiful, great smile, a really great laugh, and a sense of humor that made good use of these gifts. I called her "Buffy" sometimes as a sort of joke because she could be so sophisticated and I would tease her about it just to be silly. She went along with the joke because she could also be silly even though she was sophisticated. You had to love that about her. The loss of Beth has come as quite a shock. As adults we can try to push aside the sadness at a time like this by being reflective about the life lived. But for the family, and especially a child, this would be more difficult, if impossible. There can be no adequate reason "why" she is no longer amongst us, and no question as to the "fairness" of it, for it is surely unfair. Just the reality of the situation. One may only hope that the love she gave and received, and I think there was an abundance of both, will eventually win the day and will reside in the hearts and minds of those she loved the most. I think she would be happy if those who loved her "lived" on, following her example, fully engaged, with joy for life, smiles on their faces, and with some really great laughs. Lorraine and I will miss Beth, but we will remember her with love and joy.
Roz Deigan

I believe I first met Beth in a Gustavus English class in our sophomore year - the year our classmates selected her to be Santa Lucia.  It was sometime during that English class that she told me I reminded me of her little sister Katy.  A year later, Katy enrolled at Gustavus and became one of my closest friends.  By default, Beth sort of morphed into being a big sister persona to me.  


Beth was a born leader who commanded the attention of anyone in her presense -- in a positive way.  She knew what she wanted in life and pursued it with steadfast determination (and achieved her goals, then some!).  Although I grew up in a big city, I often felt more like the small-town girl around Beth.  Class, sophistication, wisdom, kindness, and a connection to the planet were all rolled up into one lovely Beth. 


How she rallied the troops to welcome in Katy, Merv and Hector after the hurricane was not surprising: Beth was at the helm. 


One of my favorite recent memories was the day in 2003 when my family "crashed" Beth's 40th birthday picnic at the beach near Peach's house.  It was a fun day spending time with everyone's family - pretending to be one of them ;-)


As a Reckdahl sister "wanna-be," my heart aches for Michael, Jayde, Beth's parents and siblings.   She remains a powerful presence.

Katherine Kost (Formerly Kay Polit)

Dear Beth,

Some days are just etched in one's mind.  The day I met you is one of those days for me.  As a new grad student at Thunderbird on the first day of the fall semester, I was waiting for my Japanese language class to begin when in you walked. You were wearing a summer print dress and espadrilles, carrying the just-right summer hand bag, and in your perfectly simple attire looked like you had just walked off of a fashion runway for students with style.  I looked down at my turquoise blue and pink plaid boxer style shorts, my pink t-shirt, and turquoise blue translucent rubber sandals I had picked up in Greece over the summer for some obscenely low price (you'll remember these, I know!!).  I looked again at you and thought, "I must meet this girl.  Perhaps a bit of her will rub off on me".  We did indeed meet, I experienced your magic smile for the first time, and a glorious friendship began. Almost 23 years have passed since that fateful day and every time I think of the great adventures, laughter and tears we shared across Arizona, Japan, Thailand, New York, Singapore, Bali, Minnesota and California, my soul smiles. many amazing memories and footprints.   But, that is you, Beth.  You didn't rub off on me, you wiggled into my heart with your warmth, humor and spirit, and changed me in ways I can't always even explain.  This world was and will continue to be graced by you from and all that  gave to each of us that were a part of your life. Beth, I am truly blessed to have been able to share in the light, love and laughter of that beautiful girl in the summer print dress.  Your smile will continue to be your light on this next journey.  Travel in peace, Besu.  Love, Kay

Cassie Tolman
Beth changed my life in a profound way.  It was her determination and love for healthy foods that brought me to my current position at Desert Garden Montessori, where I now run an organic kitchen.  I often chatted with Beth on her way to the elementary classrooms as she carried sacks of freshly picked grapefruits, tangerines, oranges, kumquats and many other kinds of healthy treats for the children.  Beth always had some little bit of hope to share along with the vibrant fruits in her hands.  She was so supportive of everyone around her, giving gifts of connection and inspiration through thoughtful e-mails, beautiful books, or homemade goodies.  The last time I spent with Beth, we picked persimmons from her neighbor’s tree.  She taught me that the best persimmons were those that were so soft the sweet orange flesh literally squished out when the fruit was gently squeezed.  Beth was already fighting cancer at that time, but her conversation was cheerful and she carried herself with pure joy and light.  I am so blessed to have even brushed against Beth’s life for a short time. 
Peri Michels

One day I crossed the street to speak to my neighbor Beth, as we both were gardening in our front yards.  One thing led to another and soon we were walking buddies.  Two days a week we walked 2-1/2 miles, down past the beautiful horse properties and around by the canal.        We connected right away, both being born in the same year, both being water rabbits.  We enjoyed talk of gardening, recipes, family, spirituality, husbands, children and politics.   

But I soon realized there was something very special about Beth.   She had such a cheerful friendly spirit and on our walks, anything could happen.   Besides blessing our Earth by picking up plastic bottles and various trash, we often stopped to talk and meet new people.  At first, I must admit I was a bit annoyed because I wanted to walk, not be a trash fairy…. but with time I was totally converted.    You see, I had a lot to learn from this wise friend of mine.     Beth always took time for people, to say hi, to listen to them, to be a blessing.   She reached out, she took the first step.   Her beautiful smile warmed hearts.   She literally knew the meaning of stop and smelling the roses.   She took time to live fully.

What an honor to think back and reflect about how lucky I was to have had those walking times with such a lovely person.  She will live on always in the hearts she touched, I know she touched mine deeply.

Thersa Ramsey
Beth she had unstoppable faith in life, love and healing.  She respected her body, family and life with pure joy and acceptance.  She stuck to her knowing and now she is able to guide us in a bigger way.  As one person, she touched many lives.  As an eternal being, she touches us ... when we are ready.  She is a superior example of listening from love and now it is time for all of us to do the same.  Although she came to me for guidance, I trusted her inner wisdom and she must be honored for this.  Thank you Beth for touching my life and thank you Michael and Jayde for demonstrating such a strong unit of vitality.
Rosanna Johnson

I had the joy of meeting Beth five years ago when our kids went to school at Adobe Montessori. Beth would take Matthew for so many fun activities like bowling and cooking classes and had the best birthday parties for Jayde! A few years ago I stopped at a Starbucks with Matthew and he seemed very comfortable there. I later found out that Beth had been taking him to Starbucks when he was out with her and Jayde!


Beth was so wonderful at connecting people and we have met so many wonderful people because of her. I will miss her terribly and never forget all the little things she did for us.

The Dorsey Family
I met Beth, MIchael and Jayde one sunny morning at the little boat basin in Central Park. Jayde and my son, Cole, were chasing each other around and we started talking. It turned out that we lived about 2 miles from each other in Connecticut. What I remember about that first meeting was Beth's calm nature, easy smile, curiosity and that laugh--what a great laugh! From then we shared some time together, family dinners and Jayde's birthday party with the real live donkey! Two years ago we met up for a day of adventure in the Arizona desert. We took a tour with Lenny the cowboy who gave Jayde an ancient pottery shard and stopped his open air jeep every couple of yards to point out wild pig tracks and to pick up pieces of glitterly quartz. I am so grateful that we got to spend time with the Ellenby's and that Beth graced our lives albeit for too short a time. With love, Katrina, Michael, Cole & Mya
Leandra Peak
I am grateful for all the memories I have of Beth. We met in college and shared interests in international travel and different cultural events. When we were recent grads, out on our own and working in downtown Minneapolis, we would meet and go to dinner and concerts or plays. Those nights were full of conversation that ranged from our future plans to general silliness and back. They were never boring! One night we got tickets to Orchestra Hall for a George Winston concert. Beth suggested the Sri Lanka Curry House for dinner beforehand - I am not an adventurous eater and she was trying to get me to stretch my culinary horizons. We sampled some very hot curry dishes and downed pitchers and pitchers of water with our meal. We intended to make a quick stop to the women's room, but we were running late for the concert and arrived at Orchestra Hall just in time to slide into our seats as Winston began playing. It didn't take long before we realized we might have had just a bit too much water! Right before the intermission, Winston launched into a piece he casually announced was called "Rain." Indeed, the water sounds were remarkably realistic! It was a race to see which of us could get out of our seat faster as he hit the last chord. Those long legs could move! We made it - and then we laughed as hard as I've ever laughed in my whole life. That memory points to a small part of what Beth shared with the world - an adventurous spirit and an appreciative soul all combined in a beautiful young woman with a sense of the great opportunities to have fun that surround us if we pay attention. She will be so missed.
Kevin Moore
Beth contacted me a little over a year ago, enthusiastic about helping me to get my green tea products into Arizona stores.  Having tried earlier on my own without much success, Beth's personality was such that I had a good feeling about her from the start.  In no time at all she opened doors I never thought possible, she successfully got our products into retail outlets.  When I would visit Arizona, we met several times and drove to stores and gave product demo's together.  Even though we were obviously there to sell our products, the managers at the stores loved her.  She did what she needed to do, she did not cut corners.  I could not have pulled that off on my own.

I know Beth once had lived and worked in Japan as I do now, she appreciated Japan and the Japanese, and liked to refer to me as "Kebin-san", the Japanese way of saying my name.  

Beth was first class all the way, I am at a loss.

Kevin Moore, Iwaki Japan
Andy & Misha
From the time we first met Beth, we knew she was special. Knowing Michael separately we were not surprised when they announced they were a couple. Our friendship spans from Australia to Japan, New Zealand, Singapore and the US. We were privileged to have Beth & Michael along with Jayde come to our home in New Zealand for their wedding on January 1st of the new millenium. We've shared vacations and work, fun and memories which will never be forgotten. Micheal and Jayde will keep being a part of our lives and Beth someone we will remember with smiles and happy thoughts always.
Donna Howell-DePew
I only met Beth a few times and yet I remember her well.  She was a presence in this world.  I remember I was assisting at a training in New York City and was sent out to get coffee at Starbucks.  When I got back I had coffee all down the front of my coat, my feet hurt and I was cold.  Beth took one look at me, smiled very graciously and said, "Steppin' a little too lively were we!"  I immediately warmed up.  And I believe she had that affect on a lot of people!  Loving thoughts and energy to Michael and Jayde.
The McCools
Truely a great, kind and unique  woman. Our favorite memory of Beth is making the frosting for Jayde's birthday cake, instead of using a simple red food coloring she boiled beets to get the red juice. We still tell that story to our friends today.
Total Memories: 20
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